The best choices are fragrant plants that contain volatile oils that smell strongly when crushed or brushed against. Citronella oil is the most well-known, but there are plenty to choose from. The carbon dioxide we exhale, along with human body odour, is what attracts mosquitos to their victims. The idea with an abundance of aromatic plants is that it makes it harder for mosquitos to locate their prey – you! You will need A LOT though and this is by no means a golden bullet, just one of many tactics you can utilise. An added bonus is that the same theory apples to flies. Many of the plants on this list are herbs whilst others are natives or ornamental. Diversity is never a bad thing. Plant them in garden beds or pots around your alfresco area then sit back and enjoy.

Don’t forget to also remove any stagnant, standing water that makes for attractive breeding places – empty saucers, clean blocked drains.

What to plant?

  1. Lemon-scented plants: Lemongrass, lemon myrtle, lemon-scented teatree, corymbia/eucalyptus citriodora, lemon balm, lemon verbena,
  2. Rosemary
  3. Lavender
  4. Scented geraniums
  5. Basil
  6. Native mint bush – Prostanthera
  7. Peppermint
  8. Marigolds
  9. Catnip
  10. Pennyroyal
  11. Wormwood
  12. Bay tree