Sequential and sacrificial planting can help deal with pests like white cabbage butterfly and cabbage aphid amongst BRASSICA crops (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, rocket, kale).

Here’s how, in 5 steps:

  1. Plant the sacrificial brassica crop;
    (seedlings from the clearance area are great for this purpose).
  2. Pests move in & their number increase.
  3. Beneficial insects arrive to attack pests on sacrificial crop.
  4. 2-4 weeks after planting the sacrificial, plant the veggies you want to eat.
  5. You already have a population of beneficials who will come over and attach any pests on the new crop.

Leave the sacrificial crop in place to host both pests and beneficials… even if it won’t be pretty. This is a tactic that is best used in conjunction with other control measures.